
Lithium And Sulfur Ionic Compound


The lithium-sulfur battery has high theoretical specific capacity (1675 mAh g−ane) and energy density (2567 Wh kg−1), and is considered to be i of the near promising high-energy–density storage battery systems. However, the polysulfides produced during the charging and discharging process of the lithium-sulfur battery will migrate dorsum and forth betwixt the positive and negative electrodes of the battery causing a "shuttle consequence," which leads to the decline of the battery's cycle stability and reduction of the utilization rate of agile substances. Transition metal compounds are mutual materials and have always played an active role in the capture and catalysis of polysulfides. This paper reviews the recent progress of enquiry on modifying cathode materials by introducing transition element compounds into lithium-sulfur battery and discusses the time to come development.


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Wang, J., Du, R., Yu, C. et al. Application of transition metal compounds in cathode materials for lithium-sulfur battery. Ionics (2022).

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  • Transition metal compounds
  • Lithium-sulfur battery
  • Cathode materials
  • Electrochemical performance

Lithium And Sulfur Ionic Compound,


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